GRODVI(1) GRODVI(1) NNAAMMEE grodvi - convert groff output to TeX dvi format SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ggrrooddvvii [ --ddvv ] [ --ww_n ] [ --FF_d_i_r ] [ _f_i_l_e_s... ] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN ggrrooddvvii is a driver for ggrrooffff that produces TeX dvi format. Normally it should be run by ggrrooffff --TTddvvii. This will run ggttrrooffff --TTddvvii; it will also input the macros //uu11//ggnnuu//lliibb//ggrrooffff//ttmmaacc//ttmmaacc..ddvvii; if the input is being preprocessed with ggeeqqnn it will also input //uu11//ggnnuu//lliibb//ggrrooffff//ffoonntt//ddeevvddvvii//eeqqnncchhaarr. The dvi file generated by ggrrooddvvii can be printed by any correctly-written dvi driver. The troff drawing primi- tives are implemented using the tpic version 2 specials. If the driver does not support these, the \\DD commands will not produce any output. There is an additional drawing command available: \\DD''RR _d_h _d_v'' Draw a rule (solid black rectangle), with one cor- ner at the current position, and the diagonally opposite corner at the current position +(_d_h,_d_v). Afterwards the current position will be at the opposite corner. This produces a rule in the dvi file and so can be printed even with a driver that does not support the tpic specials unlike the other \\DD commands. The groff command \\XX''_a_n_y_t_h_i_n_g'' is translated into the same command in the dvi file as would be produced by \\ssppee-- cciiaall{{_a_n_y_t_h_i_n_g}} in TeX; _a_n_y_t_h_i_n_g _m_a_y _n_o_t _c_o_n_t_a_i_n _a _n_e_w_l_i_n_e_. Font files for ggrrooddvvii can be created from tfm files using ttffmmttooddiitt(1). The font description file should contain the following additional commands: iinntteerrnnaallnnaammee _n_a_m_e The name of the tfm file (without the ..ttffmm extension) is _n_a_m_e. cchheecckkssuumm _n The checksum in the tfm file is _n. ddeessiiggnnssiizzee _n The designsize in the tfm file is _n. These are automatically generated by ttffmmttooddiitt.. In ttrrooffff the \\NN escape sequence can be used to access characters by their position in the corresponding tfm file; all characters in the tfm file can be accessed this way. Groff Version 1.08 6 August 1992 1 GRODVI(1) GRODVI(1) OOPPTTIIOONNSS --dd Do not use tpic specials to implement drawing com- mands. Horizontal and vertical lines will be implemented by rules. Other drawing commands will be ignored. --vv Print the version number. --ww_n Set the default line thickness to _n thousandths of an em. --FF_d_i_r Search directory _d_i_r//ddeevvddvvii for font and device description files. FFIILLEESS //uu11//ggnnuu//lliibb//ggrrooffff//ffoonntt//ddeevvddvvii//DDEESSCC Device desciption file. //uu11//ggnnuu//lliibb//ggrrooffff//ffoonntt//ddeevvddvvii// FF Font description file for font _F. //uu11//ggnnuu//lliibb//ggrrooffff//ttmmaacc//ttmmaacc..ddvvii Macros for use with ggrrooddvvii. BBUUGGSS Dvi files produced by ggrrooddvvii use a different resolution (57816 units per inch) to those produced by TeX. Incor- rectly written drivers which assume the resolution used by TeX, rather than using the resolution specified in the dvi file will not work with grodvi. When using the --dd option with boxed tables, vertical and horizontal lines can sometimes protrude by one pixel. This is a consequence of the way TeX requires that the heights and widths of rules be rounded. SSEEEE AALLSSOO ttffmmttooddiitt(1), ggrrooffff(1), ggttrrooffff(1), ggeeqqnn(1), ggrrooffff__oouutt(5), ggrrooffff__ffoonntt(5), ggrrooffff__cchhaarr(7) Groff Version 1.08 6 August 1992 2 .