GROFF_CHAR(7) GROFF_CHAR(7) NNAAMMEE groff_char - groff character names DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN This manual page lists the standard ggrrooffff input charac- ters. Only the characters that are available for the device that is being used to print this manual page will be displayed. The _I_n_p_u_t _c_o_d_e column applies to characters which can be input with a single character, and gives the ISO Latin-1 code of that input character. The _P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t _n_a_m_e column gives the usual PostScript name of the output character. The ISO Latin-1 no-break space (code 0240 octal) is equiv- alent to \\(space). All other ISO Latin-1 characters print as themselves with the following exceptions: `` prints as `, '' prints as '; the corresponding ISO Latin-1 characters can be obtained with \\`` and \\((aaqq. The ISO Latin-1 `Hyphen, Minus Sign' (code 45) prints as a hyphen; a minus sign can be obtained with \\--. The ISO Latin-1 `Tilde' (code 126) prints as ~; the larger glyph can be obtained with \\((ttii. The ISO Latin-1 `Circumflex Accent' (code 94) prints as ^; a larger glyph can be obtained with \\((hhaa. _O_u_t_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t _N_o_t_e_s _n_a_m_e _c_o_d_e _n_a_m_e ! !! 33 exclam " "" 34 quotedbl # ## 35 numbersign $ $$ 36 dollar % %% 37 percent & && 38 ampersand ' '' 39 quoteright ( (( 40 parenleft ) )) 41 parenright * ** 42 asterisk + ++ 43 plus , ,, 44 comma - -- 45 hyphen . .. 46 period / // 47 slash : :: 58 colon ; ;; 59 semicolon < << 60 less = == 61 equal > >> 62 greater ? ?? 63 question @ @@ 64 at [ [[ 91 bracketleft \ \\ 92 backslash ] ]] 93 bracketright ^ ^^ 94 circumflex circumflex accent Groff Version 1.08 19 August 1992 1 GROFF_CHAR(7) GROFF_CHAR(7) _O_u_t_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t _N_o_t_e_s _n_a_m_e _c_o_d_e _n_a_m_e _ __ 95 underscore ` `` 96 quoteleft { {{ 123 braceleft | || 124 bar } }} 125 braceright ~ ~~ 126 tilde tilde accent ,i ,,ii 161 exclamdown /c //cc 162 cent -L --LL 163 sterling ox ooxx 164 currency =Y ==YY 165 yen | || 166 brokenbar S SS 167 section " "" 168 dieresis (C) ((CC)) 169 copyright _a __aa 170 ordfeminine << <<<< 171 guillemotleft ~ ~~ 172 logicalnot - -- 173 hyphen (_R) ((__RR)) 174 registered 175 macron o oo 176 degree +- ++-- 177 plusminus 2 22 178 twosuperior 3 33 179 threesuperior ' '' 180 acute acute accent ,u ,,uu 181 mu 9| 99|| 182 paragraph . .. 183 periodcentered , ,, 184 cedilla 1 11 185 onesuperior _o __oo 186 ordmasculine >> >>>> 187 guillemotright 1/4 11//44 188 onequarter 1/2 11//22 189 onehalf 3/4 33//44 190 threequarters 'c ''cc 191 questiondown `A ``AA 192 Agrave 'A ''AA 193 Aacute ^A ^^AA 194 Acircumflex ~A ~~AA 195 Atilde "A ""AA 196 Adieresis oA ooAA 197 Aring AE AAEE 198 AE ,C ,,CC 199 Ccedilla `E ``EE 200 Egrave 'E ''EE 201 Eacute ^E ^^EE 202 Ecircumflex "E ""EE 203 Edieresis `I ``II 204 Igrave Groff Version 1.08 19 August 1992 2 GROFF_CHAR(7) GROFF_CHAR(7) _O_u_t_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t _N_o_t_e_s _n_a_m_e _c_o_d_e _n_a_m_e 'I ''II 205 Iacute ^I ^^II 206 Icircumflex "I ""II 207 Idieresis -D --DD 208 Eth ~N ~~NN 209 Ntilde `O ``OO 210 Ograve 'O ''OO 211 Oacute ^O ^^OO 212 Ocircumflex ~O ~~OO 213 Otilde "O ""OO 214 Odieresis x xx 215 multiply /O //OO 216 Oslash `U ``UU 217 Ugrave 'U ''UU 218 Uacute ^U ^^UU 219 Ucircumflex "U ""UU 220 Udieresis 'Y ''YY 221 Yacute Ib IIbb 222 Thorn B BB 223 germandbls `a ``aa 224 agrave 'a ''aa 225 aacute ^a ^^aa 226 acircumflex ~a ~~aa 227 atilde "a ""aa 228 adieresis oa ooaa 229 aring ae aaee 230 ae ,c ,,cc 231 ccedilla `e ``ee 232 egrave 'e ''ee 233 eacute ^e ^^ee 234 ecircumflex "e ""ee 235 edieresis `i ``ii 236 igrave 'i ''ii 237 iacute ^i ^^ii 238 icircumflex "i ""ii 239 idieresis `'o ``''oo 240 eth ~n ~~nn 241 ntilde `o ``oo 242 ograve 'o ''oo 243 oacute ^o ^^oo 244 ocircumflex ~o ~~oo 245 otilde "o ""oo 246 odieresis -:- --::-- 247 divide /o //oo 248 oslash `u ``uu 249 ugrave 'u ''uu 250 uacute ^u ^^uu 251 ucircumflex "u ""uu 252 udieresis 'y ''yy 253 yacute pb ppbb 254 thorn Groff Version 1.08 19 August 1992 3 GROFF_CHAR(7) GROFF_CHAR(7) _O_u_t_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t _N_o_t_e_s _n_a_m_e _c_o_d_e _n_a_m_e "y ""yy 255 ydieresis -D \\((--DD Eth Icelandic uppercase eth `'o \\((SSdd eth Icelandic lowercase eth Ib \\((TTPP Thorn Icelandic uppercase thorn pb \\((TTpp thorn Icelandic lowercase thorn AE \\((AAEE AE ae \\((aaee ae OE \\((OOEE OE oe \\((ooee oe B \\((ssss germandbls 'A \\((''AA Aacute 'E \\((''EE Eacute 'I \\((''II Iacute 'O \\((''OO Oacute 'U \\((''UU Uacute 'a \\((''aa aacute 'e \\((''ee eacute 'i \\((''ii iacute 'o \\((''oo oacute 'u \\((''uu uacute "A \\((::AA Adieresis "E \\((::EE Edieresis "I \\((::II Idieresis "O \\((::OO Odieresis "U \\((::UU Udieresis "a \\((::aa adieresis "e \\((::ee edieresis "i \\((::ii idieresis "o \\((::oo odieresis "u \\((::uu udieresis "y \\((::yy ydieresis ^A \\((^^AA Acircumflex ^E \\((^^EE Ecircumflex ^I \\((^^II Icircumflex ^O \\((^^OO Ocircumflex ^U \\((^^UU Ucircumflex ^a \\((^^aa acircumflex ^e \\((^^ee ecircumflex ^i \\((^^ii icircumflex ^o \\((^^oo ocircumflex ^u \\((^^uu ucircumflex `A \\((``AA Agrave `E \\((``EE Egrave `I \\((``II Igrave `O \\((``OO Ograve `U \\((``UU Ugrave `a \\((``aa agrave `e \\((``ee egrave `i \\((``ii igrave `o \\((``oo ograve Groff Version 1.08 19 August 1992 4 GROFF_CHAR(7) GROFF_CHAR(7) _O_u_t_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t _N_o_t_e_s _n_a_m_e _c_o_d_e _n_a_m_e `u \\((``uu ugrave ~A \\((~~AA Atilde ~N \\((~~NN Ntilde ~O \\((~~OO Otilde ~a \\((~~aa atilde ~n \\((~~nn ntilde ~o \\((~~oo otilde ,C \\((,,CC Ccedilla ,c \\((,,cc ccedilla /L \\((//LL Lslash Polish L with a slash /l \\((//ll lslash Polish l with a slash /O \\((//OO Oslash /o \\((//oo oslash oA \\((ooAA Aring oa \\((ooaa aring "_ \\((aa"" hungarumlaut Hungarian umlaut \\((aa-- macron macron or bar accent ^ \\((aa^^ circumflex circumflex accent ' \\((aaaa acute acute accent ` \\((ggaa grave grave accent , \\((aacc cedilla cedilla accent " \\((aadd dieresis umlaut or dieresis v \\((aahh caron h'acvek accent o \\((aaoo ring ring or circle accent ~ \\((aa~~ tilde tilde accent , \\((hhoo ogonek hook or ogonek accent i \\((..ii dotlessi i without a dot ox \\((CCss currency Scandinavian currency sign $ \\((DDoo dollar -L \\((PPoo sterling =Y \\((YYee yen ,f \\((FFnn florin /c \\((cctt cent << \\((FFoo guillemotleft >> \\((FFcc guillemotright < \\((ffoo guilsinglleft > \\((ffcc guilsinglright ,i \\((rr!! exclamdown 'c \\((rr?? questiondown ff \\((ffff ff ff ligature fi \\((ffii fi fi ligature fl \\((ffll fl fl ligature ffi \\((FFii ffi ffi ligature ffl \\((FFll ffl ffl ligature _a \\((OOff ordfeminine _o \\((OOmm ordmasculine 1 \\((SS11 onesuperior 2 \\((SS22 twosuperior 3 \\((SS33 threesuperior <- \\((<<-- arrowleft Groff Version 1.08 19 August 1992 5 GROFF_CHAR(7) GROFF_CHAR(7) _O_u_t_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t _N_o_t_e_s _n_a_m_e _c_o_d_e _n_a_m_e -> \\((-->> arrowright <-> \\((<<>> arrowboth horizontal double-headed arrow |v \\((ddaa arrowdown |^ \\((uuaa arrowup <= \\((llAA arrowdblleft => \\((rrAA arrowdblright <=> \\((hhAA arrowdblboth horizontal double-headed double arrow =v \\((ddAA arrowdbldown =^ \\((uuAA arrowdblup | \\((bbaa bar | \\((bbbb brokenbar | \\((bbrr br box rule with traditional troff metrics _ \\((rruu ru baseline rule _ \\((uull ul underline with traditional troff metrics | \\((bbvv bv bold vertical O \\((ccii circle +o \\((bbuu bullet (C) \\((ccoo copyright (R) \\((rrgg registered tm \\((ttmm trademark |= \\((dddd daggerdbl double dagger sign |- \\((ddgg dagger 9| \\((ppss paragraph S \\((sscc section o \\((ddee degree -- \\((eemm emdash em dash - \\((eenn endash en dash %o \\((%%00 perthousand per thousand, per mille sign 1/2 \\((1122 onehalf 1/4 \\((1144 onequarter 3/4 \\((3344 threequarters / \\((ff// fraction bar for fractions ' \\((ffmm minute footmark, prime '' \\((ssdd second ^ \\((hhaa asciicircum ASCII circumflex, hat, caret ~ \\((ttii asciitilde ASCII tilde, large tilde - \\((hhyy hyphen [ \\((llBB bracketleft ] \\((rrBB bracketright { \\((llCC braceleft } \\((rrCC braceright < \\((llaa angleleft left angle bracket > \\((rraa angleright right angle bracket <= \\((llhh handleft => \\((rrhh handright ,, \\((BBqq quotedblbase low double comma quote , \\((bbqq quotesinglbase low single comma quote " \\((llqq quotedblleft " \\((rrqq quotedblright ` \\((ooqq quoteleft single open quote Groff Version 1.08 19 August 1992 6 GROFF_CHAR(7) GROFF_CHAR(7) _O_u_t_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t _N_o_t_e_s _n_a_m_e _c_o_d_e _n_a_m_e ' \\((aaqq quotesingle apostrophe quote | \\((oorr bar @ \\((aatt at - \\-- minus minus sign from current font # \\((sshh numbersign / \\((ssll slash \ \\((rrss backslash [] \\((ssqq square .:. \\((ttff therefore A \\((**AA Alpha B \\((**BB Beta _H \\((**CC Xi _/_\ \\((**DD Delta E \\((**EE Epsilon IO_ \\((**FF Phi | \\((**GG Gamma -O \\((**HH Theta I \\((**II Iota K \\((**KK Kappa /\ \\((**LL Lambda M \\((**MM Mu N \\((**NN Nu O \\((**OO Omicron TT \\((**PP Pi IY \\((**QQ Psi P_ \\((**RR Rho _> \\((**SS Sigma T \\((**TT Tau Y \\((**UU Upsilon _O \\((**WW Omega X \\((**XX Chi H \\((**YY Eta Z \\((**ZZ Zeta a \\((**aa alpha B \\((**bb beta ,E \\((**cc xi d \\((**dd delta e \\((**ee epsilon |o \\((**ff phi |o \\((++ff phi1 variant phi y \\((**gg gamma -0 \\((**hh theta -0 \\((++hh theta1 variant theta i \\((**ii iota k \\((**kk kappa >\ \\((**ll lambda ,u \\((**mm mu v \\((**nn nu o \\((**oo omicron -n \\((**pp pi Groff Version 1.08 19 August 1992 7 GROFF_CHAR(7) GROFF_CHAR(7) _O_u_t_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t _N_o_t_e_s _n_a_m_e _c_o_d_e _n_a_m_e -w \\((++pp omega1 variant pi, looking like omega |u \\((**qq psi p \\((**rr rho -o \\((**ss sigma ~t \\((**tt tau u \\((**uu upsilon w \\((**ww omega x \\((**xx chi n \\((**yy eta ,C \\((**zz zeta s \\((ttss sigma1 terminal sigma ~~ \\((~~~~ approxequal ~= \\((~~== approxequal != \\((!!== notequal * \\((**** asteriskmath +- \\((++-- plusminus <= \\((<<== lessequal == \\((==== equivalence =~ \\((==~~ congruent >= \\((>>== greaterequal ^ \\((AANN logicaland v \\((OORR logicalor ~ \\((nnoo logicalnot 3 \\((ttee existential there exists, existential quantifier -V \\((ffaa universal for all, universal quantifier N \\((AAhh aleph I \\((IImm Ifraktur Fraktur I, imaginary R \\((RRee Rfraktur Fraktur R, real oo \\((iiff infinity . \\((mmdd dotmath E \\((mmoo element x \\((mmuu multiply /E \\((nnmm notelement + \\((ppll plusmath plus sign in special font = \\((eeqq equalmath equals sign in special font oc \\((pptt proportional _| \\((pppp perpendicular (= \\((ssbb propersubset =) \\((sspp propersuperset (=_ \\((iibb reflexsubset =_) \\((iipp reflexsuperset ~ \\((aapp similar a \\((ppdd partialdiff partial differentiation sign Ox \\((cc** circlemultiply multiply sign in a circle O+ \\((cc++ circleplus plus sign in a circle (^) \\((ccaa intersection intersection, cap U \\((ccuu union union, cup -_:- \\((ddii divide division sign V \\((ggrr gradient {} \\((eess emptyset Groff Version 1.08 19 August 1992 8 GROFF_CHAR(7) GROFF_CHAR(7) _O_u_t_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _I_n_p_u_t _P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t _N_o_t_e_s _n_a_m_e _c_o_d_e _n_a_m_e _| \\((CCRR carriagereturn carriage return symbol -) \\((sstt suchthat _/ \\((//__ angle p \\((wwpp weierstrass Weierstrass p <> \\((llzz lozenge - \\((aann arrowhorizex horizontal arrow extension SSEEEE AALLSSOO ggrrooffff(1) _A_n _e_x_t_e_n_s_i_o_n _t_o _t_h_e _t_r_o_f_f _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r _s_e_t _f_o_r _E_u_r_o_p_e, E.G. Keizer, K.J. Simonsen, J. Akkerhuis, EUUG Newsletter, Vol- ume 9, No. 2, Summer 1989 Groff Version 1.08 19 August 1992 9 .