LOCATE(1L) LOCATE(1L) NNAAMMEE locate - list files in databases that match a pattern SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS llooccaattee [-d path] [--database=path] pattern... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN This manual page documents the GNU version of llooccaattee. For each given pattern, llooccaattee searches one or more databases of file pathnames and displays the pathnames that contain the pattern. Patterns can contain shell-style metacharac- ters: `*', `?', and `[]'. The metacharacters do not treat `/' or `.' specially. Patterns that contain metacharac- ters should be quoted to protect them from expansion by the shell. If a pattern is a plain string -- it contains no metachar- acters -- llooccaattee displays all pathnames in the database that contain that string anywhere. If a pattern does con- tain metacharacters, it only displays pathnames that match the pattern exactly. As a result, patterns that contain metacharacters should usually begin with a `*', and will most often end with one as well. The exceptions are pat- terns that are intended to explicitly match the beginning or end of a pathname. The filename databases contain lists of the files that were on the system whenever the database was last updated. The pathname of the default database, the frequency with which it is updated, and the directories for which it con- tains entries are configurable by the system administra- tor. llooccaattee supports having multiple filename databases; for example, there could be one on each filesystem. You can tell llooccaattee to use alternate filename databases instead of the default one by giving a colon-separated list of database pathnames as either an argument to the _-_d or _-_-_d_a_t_a_b_a_s_e options or as the value of the environment variable LLOOCCAATTEE__PPAATTHH. The option overrides the environ- ment variable if both are used. 1 .