MKNOD(1L) MKNOD(1L) NNAAMMEE mknod - make special files SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS mmkknnoodd [options] path {bcu} major minor mmkknnoodd [options] path p Options: [-m mode] [--mode=mode] [--help] [--version] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN This manual page documents the GNU version of mmkknnoodd. mmkknnoodd creates a FIFO, character special file, or block special file with the given pathname. By default, the mode of created files is 0666 minus the bits set in the umask. The argument after the path specifies the type of file to make: p for a FIFO b for a block (buffered) special file c or u for a character (unbuffered) special file When making a block or character special file, the major and minor device numbers must be given after the file type. OOPPTTIIOONNSS _-_m_, _-_-_m_o_d_e _m_o_d_e Set the mode of created files to _m_o_d_e, which is symbolic as in chmod and uses the default mode as the point of departure. _-_-_h_e_l_p Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully. _-_-_v_e_r_s_i_o_n Print version information on standard output then exit successfully. FSF GNU File Utilities 1 .