PATHCHK(1L) PATHCHK(1L) NNAAMMEE pathchk - check whether pathnames are valid or portable SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ppaatthhcchhkk [-p] [--portability] [--help] [--version] path... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN This manual page documents the GNU version of ppaatthhcchhkk. For each _p_a_t_h, ppaatthhcchhkk prints a message if any of these conditions are false: +o all existing directories in _p_a_t_h have search (execute) permission +o the length of _p_a_t_h <= its filesystem's maximum path length +o the length of each existing directory in _p_a_t_h <= its filesystem's maximum file name legnth The exit status is: 0 if all path names passed all of the tests, 1 otherwise. OOPPTTIIOONNSS _-_-_h_e_l_p Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully. _-_p_, _-_-_p_o_r_t_a_b_i_l_i_t_y Instead of performing length checks on the underly- ing filesystem, test the length of the pathname and its components against the POSIX.1 minimum limits for portability. Also check that the pathname con- tains no characters not in the portable filename character set. _-_-_v_e_r_s_i_o_n Print version information on standard output then exit successfully. FSF GNU Shell Utilities 1 .