SLEEP(1L) SLEEP(1L) NNAAMMEE sleep - delay for a specified amount of time SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS sslleeeepp [--help] [--version] number[smhd]... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN This manual page documents the GNU version of sslleeeepp. sslleeeepp pauses for an amount of time specified by the sum of the values of the command line arguments. Each argument is a number followed by an optional unit; the default is seconds. The units are: s seconds m minutes h hours d days OOPPTTIIOONNSS _-_-_h_e_l_p Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully. _-_-_v_e_r_s_i_o_n Print version information on standard output then exit successfully. FSF GNU Shell Utilities 1 .