/usr/spool/uucppublic/x11src/files from site umunk, last updated at 10/10/95 All files in this directory are compressed with gzip, a port for COHERENT is available in the cohsrc directory. Those programs noted to be ported to 4.0 does work under 4.0 r72/r77 with ASC's X, they need some changes to compile under 4.2 with MWC's X! axe-5.1.tar.z 200794 nice multi window X11 editor, COH 4.0 budge.tgz 30518 puzzle game like Sokoban written in Tk/Tcl, COH 4.2 cbzone.tar.z 41992 battlezone, a very nice 3D arcade game, COH 4.0 & 4.2 fvwm.tar.z 214430 now my favorite windows manager, COH 4.2 ghostview.ta.z 139360 ghostview 1.4, needs ghostscript, COH 4.0 missileX.tgz 24384 Missile arcade game, COH 4.2 + GNU C mosaic.tar.z 13516 puzzle game, COH 4.0 mpeg-1.2.tar.z 65920 animation player for mpeg files, COH 4.0 mpeg-1.2.tgz 153513 port to COH 4.2, needs GNU C, binary included mpeg-2.0.tgz 167819 dito but newer release, twice as fast as 1.2 olwm.tar.z 215706 Open Look window manager, COH 4.2 olvwm3.1.tar.z 334925 Open Look virtual window manager, COH 4.0 & 4.2 olvwm3.3.tar.z 362228 newer release but ported only to COH 4.2 pcemu.tgz 412312 a PC emulator able to run MS-DOS, COH 4.2 planetge.tar.z 51582 planet generating simulation, COH 4.0 rclock.tgz 11837 clock program which needs less memory, COH 4.2 rxvt.tgz 46083 vt100 emulator, better than xvt, COH 4.2 roids.tar.z 13568 Asteroids arcade game, COH 4.0 spaceout.tar.z 5840 animated space display, COH 4.0 spider.tar.z 97463 solitaire card game, COH 4.2 spy.tar.z 9986 spy vs bob, run game, COH 4.0 sunclock.tar.z 24501 show illuminated portion of earth, COH 4.2 tcl7.1.tar.z 355428 embedabble tool command language, COH 4.2 tetris21.tar.z 21099 generic Tetris game, COH 4.0 tk3.4.tar.z 743760 Motif look and feel toolkit, COH 4.2 transfig.tar.z 85672 needed to export fig files from xfig, COH 4.2 x11perf.tar.z 50243 MIT X11R5 performance test for X servers, COH 4.0 xanim.tar.z 41680 animation player for fli, iff and multible gif images, 4.0 xanim264.tgz 149492 player for AVI, QuickTime, DL, FLI/FLC..., COH 4.2 xboard.tar.z 138215 X user interface for gnuchess, COH 4.2 + flex xboing.tar.z 471068 blockout game clone, COH 4.2 xbowl.tgz 6446 bowling game written in Tk/Tcl, COH 4.2 xcalendar.t.z 21077 calendar tool with notebook, COH 4.2 + GNU C xcdplayer.tgz 40400 CD audio player, COH 4.2 xconq55.tar.z 366016 a very good multi user war simulation, COH 4.2 + GNU C xchomp.tar.z 34911 Pacman like game, COH 4.2 xcuckoo.tar.z 5565 cuckoo clock, COH 4.0 xdtm252.tgz 179066 X Desktop Manager, COH 4.2 xearth.tar.z 172095 displays shaded image of earth in the root window, COH 4.0 xengine1.0.tgz 8345 a cute X11 performance test program xf2.2-pl4.ta.z1049833 user interface builder based upon Tcl/Tk, COH 4.2 xfig.tar.z 310733 2D drawing tool, very good, COH 4.0 & 4.2 xfig.man.z 24925 already formated manual page xfileman.tar.z 89651 X11 based filemanager, COH 4.0 xfishta.tar.z 49475 lets the root window look like a fish tank, COH 4.0 xfm-1.3.tgz 109273 X filemanager, application launcher, COH 4.2 + GNU C xgif.tar.z 26546 GIF file viewer, COH 4.0 xgrasp.tar.z 77462 animation player for gl files, COH 4.0 xgrasp-1.7d.tz 80583 newer version, more animation file formats, COH 4.2 xhextris.tar.z 24751 another version of Tetris, COH 4.0 xinv.tar.z 14258 Space Invaders game, COH 4.0 xjewels.tar.z 48307 a puzzle game similar to Tetris, COH 4.0 xkeycap.tar.z 82420 graphically display and edit the keyboard mapping, doesn't work under 4.2 yet xlander.tar.z 16101 3D lunar lander, COH 4.0 & 4.2 xless.tar.z 21226 xless, like less but with X user interface, COH 4.0 xlife.tar.z 61645 Conway's game of life, COH 4.0 xloadim.4.1.tz 596387 load imagages in various formats to the root window, COH 4.2 xmahjong.tar.z 51045 mahjongg game, COH 4.2 xman.tar.z 51054 the working X manual page browser for COH 4.2 xmines.tar.z 10723 mines game, COH 4.0 xmineswe.tar.z 11636 just another version, COH 4.2 xmille.tgz 74695 Mile Bornes game for X11 xmore.tar.z 23554 special hack for the X filemanager, COH 4.0 xpipeman.tar.z 26282 interesting puzzle game, COH 4.2 xpm-3.2g.tar.z 86242 X PixMap library, needed by some programs, COH 4.2 xrobots.tar.z 16076 the robots game for X11, COH 4.0 xspread23.ta.z 293571 sc spreadsheet with X user interface, release 2.3, COH 4.2 xswarm.tar.z 15274 X11 animated toy, COH 4.0 xtetris.tar.z 17282 best version of Tetris for X11 (IMHO), COH 4.0 xv.tar.z 135365 displays and manipulates GIF, PBM, PGM, PPM X11 and PM images, COH 4.0 xvt.tar.z 42178 VT100 terminal emulator, COH 4.0 xwpe-1.3.3.tgz 258835 X Window Programming Environment, COH 4.2 xxgdb-1.06.t.z 97205 X11 front end for GNU source code debugger, COH 4.2 xxgdb108.tgz 291595 newer and better version, binaries/documentation only, COH 4.2 .. .