Things my parents used to say mother: go 'up' the street or go 'down' the street not 'left' or 'right' and if she told me to go down the street then she would say 'I told you go up the street but you went down the street.' Can I just add there was no gradient... 'Raining cats and dogs' 'It's snowing pell mell' 'The sun is splitting the trees' She would also say all the childhood nursery rhymes to the dogs. She also said that in life it's best to blend in with the wallpaper. father: Evening meal would be called 'tea.' One time he said to tourists 'I'm after having a lovely swim' and they looked at each other puzzled. They were thrown into total disarray. It is Hiberno English. DOGGO he named our dog DOGGO in the eighties before it was a thing. TELEVISION he would just call a TV a 'set'. A drunk would be jarred and a cupboard would be a press. So that is some of our dialect. / / /