*** Sixel *** I never knew I could see a picture in a command-line interface under a terminal until I was told that. Thanks to Helenah, I got to know about Sixel. Sixel is actually a bitmap graphics format for displaying a picture. Linux has a bunch of terminals to be used: xterm, mlterm and others. Windows has the Cygwin64 terminal. Any picture can be converted into sixel format, and a terminal decodes the complete sixel image to the screen. There is a nice project called "ImageMagick" (http://imagemagick.org), that has versions for Linux, macOS and Windows. ImageMagick has a legacy utility called "convert" which does what we essentially need to. Like, if running, for exmaple, as follows: $ convert ./some_image.png ./some_image.six we will receive a complete sixel image. To display it under a console, we should type the following: $ cat ./some_image.six It works well on every platform with having Sixel supported.