My main observation is- what the hell were modern computers doing with these resources? 512M RAM is clearly much more than I need moment to moment- I haven't even fought with the 1981 lispm's 2M physical memory limit yet. The only bad problem I have hit is that I can simply not play audio, though I appear to be able to record it fine-ish. However my going theory on this is that in the absence of multiprocessing, the basically never-used nice(1)ness needs to be protecting my audio playback from all other processes. Given that I have my 2-decade-old multi-CD-to-cassette recorder, I think another strategy would be to burn tape/CDs in order to have seekable audio. Streaming still seems to need a special strategy, though screen recording doesn't- I guess historically, rendering has had to function independently of other memory and processing so it basically doesn't care other processes aren't being nice(1). Side note about tape- my reading is that magnetic tape continues to dominate resource parsimony for recording and storing data, though the tape tension and flexibility mean by its nature tape wears out (and as a plastic, it disintegrates). Despite this, it represents the lowest resource consumption. Modern magnetic tape has exceptionally high terabytes of data density. Not that it matters, hopefully, but the technology of tape is also practical: You just have a coil of tape with some ironic dust stuck to it. Then a magnetic pulse aligns the dust domains, which can also be read by [Maxwell's laws]. I believe a floppy is basically a circle of magnetic tape, which did not have to be bendy (increasing its life span). On the other hand, you would need to change floppies for similar storage space. Please insert disk 12 and press return to continue. I didn't manage to commune with Need to work on opening a lisp(ed) in a splitscreen with the lispm. I am tempted again by the TCP chaosnet emulation as a generic service model for my local ether. Imagine my x86 as a PDP-11 in front of a heavy PDP-10, or actually a gateway bridging two of those (imagining each workhorse machine as a virtual ether). In order for them to be seaworthy, I will want to jail them, and then onion route them, unless i2pd has suddenly become easy to use which I doubt. My topic wandered, but the lack of any motivation beyond running a single process with megabytes of ram that is the 1981 MIT-CADR lispm is crazy. I guess live de/compression and bussing memory to graphics acceleration are the sole modern memory hogs. Addendum: I am reminded, ironically, in mind of the lispm instead, how Larry Masinter pointed out to me that no, modern computers are about 1000x faster than 80s computers when I observed interlisp had been clearly better than later microcomputers. But 1000x nothing is nothing, as additive identity theorems say. The one barrier I can see coming is controlling modern graphics memory from the 1981 lispm sufficiently to program Doom in zetalisp.