C and javascript are different: C's delivery target is the wooden frame of the building (unixy software), and web design is the faddish kitchen makeover. In contrast lisp development is growing, promoting, protecting the forest itself. The cartoons at the start of Land of Lisp show a typical lisp hacker, so the reader can know if they are reading the right book for them- a placidly smiling slightly frumpy hacker sitting serenely in some wilderness. That imagery was deeper than it is easy to convey. When we want to bring our lisp somewhere, we grow a living garden. Nobody just has sterlized dead trees sitting around as such. My planning software is a living plant, a sapling, we don't know what it could grow into yet. Planting trees like this is part of the lispm lifestyle. I actually didn't realise the extent to which I was following McCarthy so closely. McCarthy's career, including the creation of lisp tracked around how computers perceive and reason about the world and goals, also creating situation calculus (though the name has changed periodically with later scientists' contributions). So for old computer challenge I am hoping to end up with at least a little planner opening a suitcase with two locked latches, to join my other software project, Hopfield net deep memories as keys to a hash-table or association list, which I will also port to the lispm. As I told ams yesterday, my two goals are to receive plans for lispm gopher, and a text adventure game engine from the old machine.