#+title: ROOPHLOCH '23 #+author: screwtape * Perhaps a picture is worth a thousand words #+call: get-roophloch() #+call: alternate-description() #+call: display-it() * Underground machine appendices ** download that png #+name: get-roophloch #+begin_src shell :results file link :file 019-roophloch.png lynx --dump \ gopher://tilde.club/9/~screwtape/synthember-100days-tooffload/019-roophloch.png \ > 019-roophloch.png #+end_src ** Describe it #+name: alternate-description #+begin_src elisp :results verbatim (print '(512x512 of pink sakura blossoms and branches against a little blue sky)) #+end_src #+RESULTS: alternate-description : (512x512 of pink sakura blossoms and branches against a little blue sky) ** Display it #+name: display-it #+begin_src elisp :results none (org-display-inline-images) #+end_src