Limiting cases are interesting. My project with [[]] is to search for the cadr-4 [[]]. Particularly, the microcode and corrollary processor written in VHDL, my description of which will follow. High level constructions of lisp are built out of low level constructions of lisp. Not every language has both #'FORMAT and #'LDB, so I think the language is very ground-up. How we reach ground level is an interesting limit of lisp implementation. Now, and historically microcode was used. A non-lisp fundamental language is hardware described into existence, the language of registers, bits, buses, clocks. It's not appropriate to imagine this microcode is inside lisp, since lisp basically protects the programmer from those harsh realities. Once having a little microcode and microcode processor, the fundamentals of the lisp are written using the new microcode and the rest will be history. The existence of the microcode splits development. Lisp and higher level lisp is blissfully unaware, but the microcoding of fundamental lisp functions can be redone and redone. Independently, the implementation of the microcode itself can be improved to some end or other. We're using VHDL, Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language on this quest. This three months of microcode invention is only required to run in GHDL, which simulates VHDL-described circuits, which may not actually be synthesisable (realisable with available hardware). There is no requirement of synthesis for this part of the project. There are the microcode/simulation ports of the 70s-80s' lm-3 (see Alfred's site) so there's less far to jump, standing as we are upon our forebears. And we have various access to their available writing then and since, and potentially directly in cases like KMP's [[]]. When filling in details I missed about lisp's nature and history, KMP related the usefulness of 18 bit pointer words on the 35-bit PDP-10 and their relation to being able to index one moby (million words) and how the language and hardware of computing grew together and towards each other. Aside from learning by participating, we also have to realise the implementation of these microcodes in light of massive RAM and disks, as well as the breadth of available FPGAs. To an extent that is not the requirement here, we are simply implementing similar microcode with the ways (words, arithmetic and so forth) the available FPGAs have been optimised for. I am poking around the literature on FPGA microcode design, and I'll fossick for a recent book on the topic since we have the responsibility to not be historically re-enacting what the lisp community already achieved: Rather we must make the same kinds of achievement today that were made then. Here I was going to stop, but escaping the monopoly of consumer computers into specialised hardware (kind of) with better defined and restricted power and manufacturing constraints should have positive environmental ramifications in line with degrowth and abating consumer norms of technological consumption.