Half Marathon Trip 2024
       2024-09-23 - Huntington
       I’m doing the Oxford Half/Oxford Canal trip again this year!
       I have done less preparation than last year. I’ll aim to do
       it in about 1:38, based on a 1:50 time[1] that was:-
  HTML 1: https://strava.app.link/9ZG2dhJpaNb
        * At a lower pace (+5 min)
        * Not run in my race shoes (+5 min)
        * Hillier (+2 min)
       This will be a lot slower than last year[2], about the same as the
       year before[3], and a lot slower than Richard this year. I’m
       not going to worry about it too much; I’ll try to get a lot
       of intensity in over the next 2 weeks, then take it easy for a
       week or so before the race, and then see what happens on the day.
  HTML 2: https://strava.app.link/v5FaNMEqaNb
  HTML 3: https://strava.app.link/csK5nNIqaNb
       The last two years that we did this, the “time on canal
       boat actually cruising” part of the holiday has been short,
       and bitty. We’d take the boat on Saturday afternoon, cruise
       a bit up and down, moor at the boatyard again because it’s
       the closest spot to the half marathon, and then get ~1.5 days
       of cruising Sunday afternoon to Tuesday morning.
       But! This year we booked the boat for a whole week, with all
       cruising happening in the week leading up to the Half. We’ll
       have Tuesday afternoon-Saturday evening to cruise.
       Much better.
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