This is the gopher hole of Nifty, where if it can't be expressed in UTF-8,
       it's not worth expressing at all.  You can find here over 200 text stories
       about transvestism and change of gender and some other stuff, related.
   DIR Transvestites, Transgender
   DIR Control Situations
   DIR General Information
       Nifty was/is a public website that archived and made available a large
       number of postings from the old Usenet newsgroups alt.story.erotic and a
       few similar ones.  In the heyday of Usenet prior to the WWW exploding into
       popularity (and then devolving into the toxic sewer it's become today),
       these newsgroups were a valuable resource for people of varying sexualities
       who connected and formed a community.
       Nifty is sort of still around and may even be collecting new material, but
       the collection of stories - some of them lengthy - were and are in the
       public domain.  This gopher hole makes some of them available again over
       port 70.  3-4 times a year, they are reposted to Usenet at
       alt.stories.erotic by user Jade Rabbit, who seems to be keeping tradition