There is a lot of software and command line tools I like. Here's the list of them. Operating system - Kubuntu Terminal - st - suckless package Shell - zsh - suckless package Desktop - dwm - suckless package Terminal tools - amfora - gemini browser - catimg - show image in terminal - ffmpeg - Tools and libraries to manipulate multimedia - git - access to git instance - gnupg - PGP - gopher - gopher browser - i2pd - I2P client - tor - tor client - zeronet - zeronet client - lynx - terminal browser - mpv - musoc and video player - (neo)mutt - email client - newsboat - rss client - openssh - ssh tool - profanity - XMPP client - python - python - vim - text editor - weechat - irc client - wget - web assets downloader - whois - info about domains