Who or what is FanoPlanes I've been radio silent on tilde team for quite a while now. I've been diligently watering my plants in `botany` and using the nice mailbox. Let's say I had a bit of a situation. I dropped out of school because of some issues that don't deserve to be mentioned. I now work as a quality engineer manager person etc. I can't really give my position a name since it's a small firm, so the ususal structures don't easily map one-to-one. I'm basically the designated quality person. My new job happened to be quite a good fit for me, since I get to be the *arcane bullshit understander*. The company sells consumer electronics and home appliances And is in EU, meaning outside of the usual maintenance of quality of products, I also have to understand the rules of compliance with harmonized standard, which is a lot of reading of dense legalese (think BDG Unraveled OSHA video). Anyway, having a personal webbed site might be nice.