from cup import coffee (sandwich devlog #4) In today's sandwich-making adventure, I improved the comment parser. Not you can use comments inline. For example: # this is a comment pHello #this is an inline comment pWorld # <- Will print World! the `#` symbol turns the rest of the line into a comment, so be careful! Everything before the comment symbol _will_ be evaluated. I also added the ability to *import* things from other files with the `i` opcode, like so: #one.txt pHello world! itwo.txt# now everything from two.txt will be imported into one.txt p$v #v is defined in two.txt And the external file would look like this: #two.txt (external) lvsome variable So the output would be "some variable". Note that **the file is evaluated _before_ importing**, like in Python. This means that any print statements or math operations in the file that are not enclosed in a variable or a function will be executed like a normal program. As always, the code is up on [tildegit](, so clone a copy and get started with sandwich! PRs can be made on Gitea or sent to my email (karx AT tilde DOT team) as patches. tags: sandwich, rust, programming, devlog