2019-10-11 - If you ain't smart you gotta be dumb. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm generally too stupid to understand some things... I write my texts in Nano. I have tried Vim, but couldn't memorize all the bloody keycodes for longer than 5 minutes. In the end i just want to slam on my keyboard without thinking too much. Nano does a great job for me. I can just type and backspace and delete and cursor my way around. And if i need to do something special, the bottom of the screen tells me what to press. Honestly i don't understand why people are not bragging more about Nano... (Well actually i do... and the reason that VI users have to brag about using a text editor is proof that this text editor is way too difficult to use) :P I'm also too stupid or too lazy to figure out config files for my programs. I just use my programs as they come out of the box most of the time. Sometimes, if i really have to, i'll add a couple of lines of configuration. For example, for lynx i've added a startpage location. Every time i use the 'find' command, i have to figure out how to use it again. Same goes for un-zipping, un-tarring or unpacking everything that's archived. I can never ever remember which flags to use for what. I think after 15+ years of Debian using, i'm slowly figuring out how this apt-get thing works. Also regular expressions... Argh... I simply don't understand these bloody things. I've used them, i've even written some succesfully. And i wouldn't know even where to start if i had to write one now. Without an internet connection, a regex simulator and stackoverflow i'd be lost completely for writing a regex. The information is packed so dense, that a dense guy like me can never wrap his head around it. And in conjuction to regexes, i never been very handy with sed. Or really with any unix piping stuff. Sometimes i pipe a cat to a grep, or maybe even output something to a > text.txt. But i never do fancy things like the cool kids, which involves more than two commands on a single line. When programming in C, i have my usual fights with makefiles. I always forget to add something. And it's not something that i'm proficient in, in any way shape or form. Really, after all these years of computering, there is still so much to learn. It would not be a bad idea for me to just go back to the essentials, and just focus on the basics. I don't need fancy new programming languages like Python or Go. I haven't even figured out how to use C properly. I don't need any fancy shells, i haven't even figured out bash. I don't need any fancy operating system, i haven't even figured out Unix basics. What i need, is less of everything, so i can spend more time on fewer things, and actually learn to really use something well.