2019-10-18 - Focus... or maybe not ------------------------------------------------------------------- Oohm, i need to focus a bit, and polish my little C program i made, without getting distracted by everything else in the world. It is funny to notice that i have the attention span of a puppy.... Hey look moving things! The problem is that i want to do way too many things, all at the same time. As a result i end up doing hardly anything properly. Therefore, i have to practice focus. Or something... Having said that, i don't like all those self-help articles and books on improving personal productivity, efficiency and time management etc. During my personal time, i'm not on a paid job, so i need time for slacking off and do useless things... Anyway, i don't even know what i'm typing, as i'm actually pretty tired. Again happy that it is the weekend again. It's after 22:00, so i'm not doing any programming anymore today. (see prev. post) I think i will just go lay in bed and listen to music or so. Gosh, this doesn't seem to turn out like a quality post today... I wish i had something insightful to write, but i am afraid this is not happening today. Oh wait... Yesterday i went to Gemini Man in the cinema. It was in 3d and in high framerate, and i disliked that very much. So without talking about the story itself, the technique (3d + HFR) did annoy me quite a bit. Somehow everything looked way too slick and plasticy and cheap. Apparently caused by the high framerate, and also known as the soap-opera effect. And indeed it looked like a soap opera at times. The high framerate + 3d makes everything look weird. Especially special effects, because you easily pick out things that are "off" when everything else looks too crisp. This was especially noticable during a motorcycle chase scene. The playback speed during that scene was ridiciously increased at certain times, and no efforts were made to disguise that. This caused the whole scene to look like a 30's slapstick, where everything moved too quickly at times. Ah well, it was a couple of hours of nice mindless entertainment, and it was kinda cool how they made a young Will Smith though... Anyhow.. yeah focus.... Now i go to sleep... G'day!