2020-10-15 - Unfocused ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hmm. I'm still finding myself to be very unfocused. Doing all kinds of things. Not finishing anything. Procrastinating. As if i'm waiting for something, but i don't know what. During this time I've been (among other things) playing some old video games on a computer with Windows XP, which was nice to do. I still enjoy playing Morrowind occasionally. The slow computer i have can just barely run it at low resolution, so that adds to the "retro" experience. I don't need my games to have more realistic graphics. I'm fine with my games looking like games. Back when Morrowind came out, i remember it looked absolutely fabulous. It's funny how the perception changes actually. These days the graphics would be seen as clunky, low-poly, and simple. But back then it was the bees knees. Actually, anybody who has played games recognizes this. People once were amazed at Pong's graphics. It's dark outside. In the background soft music is playing. I'm listening to Mazzy Star's Into Dust. Hope Sandoval's voice is always pleasant to hear. It's such a familiar and comforting sound. To have more focus i might need to cut down some distractions again. Stop waiting, start doing. Less news, more books. Start creating and do something, before turning into dust...