.--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. :::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\ ' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' DATE : 2019.02.03 TIME : 05:50 AUTHOR : SNOWCRASH@SDF.ORG MOOD : AMUSED TITLE : ASCII FUN .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. :::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\ ' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' Do you remember back in the early 80's when electronic bulletin board systems (BBS) were in their heyday? I can rememder it like it was just yesterday. One of the aspects that always comes to mind was the time and attention to detail that went into creating BBS ascii art. There were some amazing sites that combined upper ascii characters with color to make some really cool welcome art. So you can imagine the fun I have been having farting around with my main gophermap file. I have put together a few different version for fun: * ASCII World Map Gophermap * Cozy House w/Cat Gophermap * Name Gophermap * Linux Penguin Gophermap Big deal I know? ASCII art... Whee! I know, I know. But it's harmless fun! ''~`` ( o o ) +---------------------.oooO--(_)--Oooo.--------------------+ | | | .oooO | | ( ) Oooo. | +------------------------\ (----( )----------------------+ \_) ) / (_/