2018-11-10T07:14:34-05:00 Up and running (plodding?) now on twtxt. Another day, another federated social network... 2018-11-17T16:27:02-05:00 Discovered how to set use_abs_time to show absolute times in a timeline. 2018-11-17T16:30:01-05:00 Also found that adding sorting = ascending to the config file shows the most recent post last better for simple terminal viewing. 2018-11-18T07:44:40-05:00 Wow, you can update jails from the outside in FreeBSD. Wish I had read the man page more closely a year or so ago! 2018-11-19T20:49:41-05:00 Just created my first proper document in Scribus. It worked better than I expected.