# Revamp the style of my blog Today I decided to revamp the design of my blog because for some reason when I visit it, it becomes very weird: The title is hidden bechind the navigation bar, and everything is in the left, instead of the center. Seeing this, I become panic. I tried to change the style to be nice as fast and quick as possible. And here is my how I do it. First, I change the CSS style from [Bahynya](https://hakanalpay.com/bahunya/) to [Lit](https://ajusa.github.io/lit/docs/lit.html?), which was much cleaner and smaller. Then, I change the font from [Nunito](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Nunito?query=nunito) (which for some reason didn't work here with the original CSS file) to [Anek Malayalam](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Anek+Malayalam), which honestly just looks so good. I also change the `Credits` part to fit with the situation. It was pretty much done, but now I need to get blockquotes to work. The blockquotes display fine, but they don't have any sort of signal to tell you that it's a blockquote, so I use [This CSS style](https://codepen.io/tomhodgins/pen/gPaPoq), which does the job really well! And, that's how I do it! The blog still remains some legacy from the original, but has pretty much changed dramatically.