EXAMPLE ANSIBLE PLAYBOOK (Posted 2015-04-21 23:45:42 by corey_reichle) So the Ansible demo playbook I had started in another post [ http://www.coreyreichle.com/2015/04/19/more-ansible/ ] is finished.  If you follow the steps here [ https://github.com/coreyreichle/ansible/blob/master/README.md ], you'll got from nothing to fully provisioned LAMP stack set of LXC's in about an hour. The git log isn't as clean as I'd like, so maybe I'll give it another go, at a later date.  But for now, it works, and is even pretty usable to deploy a web stack if needed. I've also fleshed out the README, so it breaks down what is happening in each role.  Enjoy, and I hope you find it useful for getting started using Ansible. -------- There are no comments on this post. To submit a comment on this post, email corey.reichle@gmail.com or visit us on the web [ https://www.coreyreichle.com ].