5K DOWN! (Posted 2015-06-02 12:23:38 by corey_reichle) So, I know, in my scientific brain, that I can run a 5K on a treadmill.  I've isolated all the variables using a treadmill, so I know it's possible.  Now, onto doing it outdoors on a track first, then moving to general road running. Pretty sure after I'm done with that, I'll start training for a sub-30 minute 5K, and maybe even do one of the many 5K races here in Buffalo.  Who knows?  Maybe a 10K?  HIITs?  Whatever. I do know, though, that I need to amp up the strength training as well, in order to prevent injuries, and to also improve my cycling form (Which cycling has taken a back seat, due to weather and diversity of fitness activities). Also to brag, I'm nearly 20 pounds down from my December weight, so I got that going for me.  19 pounds, to be exact.  Def noticing my clothes fitting better. -------- There are no comments on this post. To submit a comment on this post, email corey.reichle@gmail.com or visit us on the web [ https://www.coreyreichle.com ].