BACKUPS! (Posted 2015-10-18 22:55:30 by corey_reichle) So, a couple of days ago, I learned first hand how key backups are...  Usually, I've been backing up this site whenever I do some maintenance, which isn't often.  But, I also just presumed that data loss on Digital Ocean [ ] has a probability of slim-to-none. And, I was probably right.  Unless you count how easily droplets can be created/deleted. I popped up a test droplet, just to pick apart a package on a brandy-new CentOS package.  A while later (After some multitasking), I went to delete it.  About 0.3 seconds after clicking through to delete it, I realized what I did:  I deleted the prod web server... Now, thankfully, the server is configured using Ansible [ ], so I had the new server deployed in about 9 minutes.  It even pulled down the last git commit of the site, and the old DB backups; and deployed the code.  Problem?  I haven't backed up the database in about 4 months. So, I lost about 4 months of content from this site, and two others.  Thankfully, one of them hasn't gotten any updates, so really it was this site, and a neighborhood website.  I feel really bad about the neighborhood site, as there were lots of updates over the past 4 months. But, now, I've automated the backups, with Ansible (Of course), so they're all being backed up now, and any new server will get the same backup setup. -------- There are no comments on this post. To submit a comment on this post, email or visit us on the web [ ].