TNC_PI: A WIFI ENABLED TNC FOR AMATEUR RADIO (Posted 2016-05-03 09:00:53 by corey_reichle) So, I wanted a wifi-enabled TNC for mobile packet use, and for tooling around at home, while not in the shack.  I also figured eventually, I'd want to not do this all by hand, and I figured others would likely want to do so as well. So, I've release the tnc_pi project into the wild on Github.  Pulls are welcomed, as well as suggestions and enhancements. You can find the project here: [ ] Down the road, what I'd like to add simple web interface to configure direwolf's modem.  Shouldn't be too difficult, but it'd take a little work.  Until then, configuration via the command line isn't insane or anything really.  The config is pretty simple to read. -------- There is 1 comment on this post: Comment #1 by RX-Only APRS iGate, And Future Plans For Packet Node – Corey Reichle ( ) on 2016-05-11 02:37:01 [...] So, I've deployed an receive-only iGate for the APRS system.  It's not very impressive as of now, an old RadioShack Pro-2023 scanner, with the audio cable going to a Raspberry Pi running tnc_pi. [...] To submit a comment on this post, email or visit us on the web [ ].