-- 1727 UTC Ugh, sick still today. Hit me Sunday evening, and I was all like,"Ugh, I've got to lay down." Yesterday, "played hooky" from work. Turns out? I was sick, and needed to stay home anyways. Today, feeling a little better, but still kinda heavy-eyed, and coughing. But, on a good note? The wife and I purchased two hard-shell kayaks to take out this year. It's and upgrade from out inflatable, which while it worked, we kept getting punctures, or losing a skeg, etc etc. So, basically, every two years we ended up buying a new inflatable (Same make/model). Then, we found there was a sale at Dick's for their Pelican Traverses. Bought two of them. Was wanting to spend money at Dicks anyways, since their changes to who they will sell guns to, and what guns they sell. Free market pushing changes, I guess, as dirty as I feel with that whole concept. And sorry for screwing up the feels listing again... I need to be more on top of formatting my entries.