--- 1409 Z So, I'm glad the past couple of weeks are over. Work combines with after work-work is mostly tamped down. Got the big activities out of the way for the neighborhood association out of the way, big family holiday out of the way, and only one more to go. Getting burned out with the neighborhood association, though. Lots of work going into it, with not a lot of return, which makes it tough to stay in the game. What gets my goat, is my councilman (Who needs to back this) has a group willing to do the leg work, but isn't willing to at least lend political support behind it. It's frustrating, to say the least. As far as work goes, things should slow down until the beginning of next year. Annual review time is coming up, and I hate this part of the year. Things are so fluid throughout the year, trying to set goals in January is a sisyphean effort, as things change all the time. What was an "important effort" in January is an abandoned project in December. I dunno. Looking at the market now, seeing how easily I can get a remote gig. I hate going into the office most days.