-- 1831 UTC Just pondering all of the fun stuff presented with on tildemachines, and I just got to thinking: I would love to be able to make a living with tilde servers... Probably a pipe dream. Maybe I wish I could be in a workplace, where everyone interacts with shell based tools, like on pubnix boxes, but still creating great products or services people want. I don't even know how such a firm would function, aside from we bs, we make fun stuff, and people pay for the fun stuff created... But, I suppose it's like any other artist making things for people to enjoy. There's no utility in a painting, other than it is pleaing to the eye. But, in reality, given today's expectations, people want glitzy and fancy, for free, regardless of how the personal cost is to people involved, even themselves. How many people have basically handed their lives over to Google or Facebook for free email, or a an ad delivery service disguised as a social network site? I suppose I'm just rambling at this point. Like I said, a pipe dream.