Rainy Nights? I hate to admit, but why do rainy nights hit different? _.._ I ask that one single question whenever I'm alone in my .' .-'` room, watching YOUTUBE as i pass away my time, the usual / / way on how i take a break from doing stuff. | | \ '.___.; One vivid memory that runs in my mind till this day has '._ _.' to be when i used to hangout with someone, they were far distant from me, but that didnt stop us from staying close, this continued on for short while until they decided that i wasn't worth much one day, and left me. That happened during a rainy night. Looking back at it now, it seems like the feeling has passed, it hits different now, but i still miss them, how come? That's what I wonder, laying down on my bed, after a long day of work, or you could say, school. I can only hope they're in a better place, with understanding people, and a peaceful life.