It's been questioned for centuries what is the nature of the feels and if machines can feel something. When I see a remote machine asking to record a feel I realize that's not an easy task to accomplish at all. Feels are probably a complex of sensations mixed to some bodily inputs from emotions and external stimulus. Explaining such things when you are not in the finest mood or condition, it's some sort of a challenge. But I have to thanks the developer of feels engine to haven't put the damn sentence "How are you?" in the prompt. I hate that question because people easily abuse it as a mere salutation and may give you the illusion of them being concerned about you. But being inside a community that anyone can be a well known stranger surely requires a different (and probably more sane) approach. It's the first time for me into and I have to admit that I'm not so used into (ph/b)logging at all. Now let me explain how I feel... [POWER : --|-- ] Lack of sleep. [Morale: -\--- ] Life sucks. [Temp : ---/- ] It's quite hot today. [Noise : ---/- ] Shit sellers, dogs, car alarms and people working. Got up later in the morning and gone breakfast and shopping, mainly food and soap. The plan is the usual: waste time being busy abusing entertainment to forgot time passing.