People have no idea how huge is the damage it got from the global SARS-CoV-2 related pandemic. And honestly, I'm not that aware either. Getting informations is like trying to focus to listen a single word while you are in a crowded area full of people that screams (fear to die maybe?). But the only thing you really manage to hear clearly is the message that governments and corporations talk aloud together because they are able to use a loudspeaker and not getting punished for making loud noises. Even worse than that, they will check what you say if you speak with someone and censor you for "fake news". Community guidelines you know... I though my tax money got into disease prevention and healthcare but seems that monitoring communications got quite a priority. People lost their job and their right to say bullshit. Voltaire, one of the most known and appreciated Enlightenment writer and philosopher, should have taught something important to us. This is the most shocking example how a centralized communication system like social medias and regular medias still have serious flaws that endanger individuals' freedom of speech. I'm not only talking about censorship but "mainstream ego culture" too. Many people, including medical professionals, don't even try to stay anonimous and their complete names with some other details about their identity become public with all the consequences for their privacy and personal lives. Do they believe to obtain trust like that more than only exposing their facts? Are they aware that they cannot obtain protection? Who will ever notice if they disappear? What's their real purpose? What worries me more is not those who criticize or ignore what people have to say but those who don't ask why. Sometimes I feel that a good question is better than the best answer I can get. [atomicdisintegrator] --- "If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize." "Those who can be made to believe absurdities can be made to commit atrocities." "The more often a stupidity is repeated, the more it gets the appearance of wisdom." "The right to free speech is more important than the content of the speech." "It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong." "Many are destined to reason wrongly; others, not to reason at all; and others, to persecute those who do reason." "The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor." "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." [François Marie Arouet de Voltaire, but I may be wrong...]