It felt like time was barely passing this week, but now it's the weekend, so yay? I have a lot of sourdough discard to get rid of, so I'm going to make some naan this morning. Hopefully some bread too, although it's still a bit chilly in the kitchen and it might not rise well. I guess I'll figure it out. I miss having more time to bake. I started playing Transistor last night, which is a game I've had for years but I never really sat down to play it. It's interesting so far. I like the music and the art has a really cool style to it. The storyline is still unfolding so I'm still not entirely sure what the plot is yet, but I'm intrigued. I have a big techno sword that seems to be able to absorb people once they die? Mysterious gang and a big empty city? Definitely interesting. The combat system is cool, too. You can run around and use abilities like normal, but you can also pause time for a bit and plan out a sequence of moves that happen really quickly. It adds a layer of strategy, which I think is neat. I'll probably play some more Transistor tonight. Last night I was mostly playing to distract my brain from sad mode, so hopefully I'll be able to focus more tonight.