I made some bread dough last night and let it rise overnight. I think I let it proof for too long, though. This kitchen is a bit warmer and more humid than my last one. The cutting board I have is different, too, and the dough was sticking everywhere and it was such a mess that I just gave up on shaping it and tossed it into the bread pan to rise again. We'll see how it turns out. It'll be tasty, at least. I think I'm going to write something for Camp NaNoWriMo in July. I miss writing. I haven't been feeling creative at all lately, and it makes me kinda sad. I think it's tied to the fact that I haven't really been reading much either. I just miss feeling like my head was full of fun new ideas. I'm looking forward to getting back into writing. Maybe I'll start writing more on cosmic.voyage to start getting back into it. What else... it's raining again. It's been raining for like a month straight now. I miss the sunlight. It doesn't feel like summer. It was 60F yesterday, which is absolutely wild for this time of year. Normally it would already be getting into the 90s. The weather around here is pretty screwed up this year. I'm sure that giant freeze in February was part of it. Oh, Earth, we've treated you so poorly...