Immediate Past and Immediate Future =================================== Yesterday was my last day at my now former gig. Monday is my first day at my new job. The wrap up was an unsatisfying and isolating as the job itself was these last two months. At the end of the meeting, the facilitator said something like, "And today is dozens's last day, so thanks for all the work you've done!" And as I started to launch into a "thank you and farewell" speech, everybody left the meeting and it ended, and there I was stuck holding the bag. Oh well. Excited for the new job to start on Monday. Wish I had a slightly better idea of what to do when I start. Some kind of first day agenda would be nice. But, excited nonetheless. Now === Going to get a flu shot today. I don't think I've ever gotten a flu shot before. And I doubt my getting one will really help actually increase herd immunity or anything, because I plan on not being around anybody this fall / winter. But, I have resolved to do my part. The Recent Past =============== Went for a run yesterday. Felt great. Went a little farther than I usually do. I've been feeling cooped up and bottled up for what feels like maybe two weeks now? It had been so dreadfully hot. And then the air quality was profoundly bad. And then it started snowing. Yesterday was the first time in a while that it felt Nice. One of those magic, perfect autumn days where it feels like you can just go foverever, and only ever stop because you want to, not because you get tired or out of breath.