poppy ===== O o | | | o o| |&| &\\o/ ||o &\/ . , _ . ., l, _ ., _ . ^ ' ` ' date: 2021-04-20T13:39:36+00:00 plant: common yellow seed-bearing poppy score: 3869771 You reflect on when your poppy was just a seedling. Generation: 110 Growth rate: 22.8x --- % % | | | % %| |&| &\\%/ ||% &\/ . , _ . ., l, _ ., _ . ^ ' ` ' date: 2021-04-19T14:05:11+00:00 plant: common yellow flowering poppy score: 1934821 The yellow flowers remind you of your crush. Generation: 110 Growth rate: 22.8x --- O o | | | o o| |&| &\\o/ ||o &\/ . , _ . ., l, _ ., _ . ^ ' ` ' date: 2021-04-19T01:32:29+00:00 plant: common mature poppy score: 905019 The poppy inspires you. You can see the first hints of rainbow, yellow, or indigo. Generation: 110 Growth rate: 22.8x --- O | \o |o \/ . , _ . ., l, _ ., _ . ^ ' ` ' date: 2021-04-17T00:02:54+00:00 plant: young poppy score: 823549 You notice your plant looks different. You play loud techno to your poppy. Generation: 110 Growth rate: 22.8x