poppy ===== O o | | | o o| |&| &\\o/ ||o &\/ . , _ . ., l, _ ., _ . ^ ' ` ' date: 2021-08-30T21:06:04+00:00 plant: common indigo seed-bearing poppy score: 2957741 Seed pods have grown on your poppy. Generation: 149 Growth rate: 30.6x --- % % | | | % %| |&| &\\%/ ||% &\/ . , _ . ., l, _ ., _ . ^ ' ` ' date: 2021-08-30T15:35:44+00:00 plant: common indigo flowering poppy score: 2351408 The indigo petals remind you of that favorite shirt you lost. Generation: 149 Growth rate: 30.6x --- O | \o |o \/ . , _ . ., l, _ ., _ . ^ ' ` ' date: 2021-08-29T21:27:45+00:00 plant: young poppy score: 353799 Your poppy looks pretty good. Generation: 149 Growth rate: 30.6x