Pachypodium =========== _ / _ /_\/|//u U | \ < > <`> _/ <, > <> < .><.> < ` >'> ` , <' o >_ . _ . ^ / ' \ . ` ' date: Sun Oct 11 08:59:48 MDT 2020 plant: godly gold seed-bearing pachypodium score: 2594870 You grow nostalgic about the early days with your pachypodium. Generation: 46 Growth rate: 10.0x --- _ <, _ <_\/|//\\ // | \\ U U // >\) _ u<`> _/ | <, >/<>\ U.> < ` >'> ` , <' o >_ . _ . ^ / ' \ . ` ' date: Sat Oct 10 15:04:14 MDT 2020 plant: godly gold flowering pachypodium score: 1950566 The gold flowers remind you of a forgotten memory. Generation: 46 Growth rate: 10.0x --- _ / _ /_\/|//u U | \ < > <`> _/ <, > <> < .><.> < ` >'> ` , <' o >_ . _ . ^ / ' \ . ` ' date! Fri Oct 9 13:07:26 MDT 2020 plant: godly mature pachypodium score: 1016516 The buds of your pachypodium might bloom soon. You can see the first hints of orange, gold, or violet. Generation: 46 Growth rate: 10.0x --- _ / _ / \/|// \ < > < .> < ` '> ` , <' > _ . _ . ^ ' . ` ' date: Thu Oct 8 20:24:42 MDT 2020 plant: young pachypodium score: 414707 You tell a secret to your pachypodium. You feel like your plant is special.. Generation: 46 Growth rate: 10.0x