Columbine ========= if we combine yours and mine and do so again from time to time never will i want thirst or pine \ | / | &|/ |& / &\ | / / \| \|&| &\/&/ . , _ . ., &/ _ ., _ . ^ ' ` ' date: 2020-12-31T15:18:42+00:00 plant: godly violet seed-bearing columbine score: 3032805 Seed pods have grown on your columbine. Generation: 69 Growth rate: 14.6x --- % % %\ | / % % | &|/ |& / %&\ | / /% \| \|&| &\/&/ . , _ . ., &/ _ ., _ . ^ ' ` ' date: 2020-12-30T17:56:05+00:00 plant: godly violet flowering columbine score: 1909495 You smell the violet flowers and are filled with peace. Generation: 69 Growth rate: 14.6x --- \ | | / | \|&| &\/&/ . , _ . ., &/ _ ., _ . ^ ' ` ' date: 2020-12-29T14:37:15+00:00 plant: young columbine score: 647931 You play your favorite record for your columbine. You feel like your plant is special.. Generation: 69 Growth rate: 14.6x