Not sure what to write, but just want to hang out here. It's deep in the night. I'm alone in my office. Lights are off. Screen is dim and gives a warm glow. There's a virtual fireplace burning in the background. I am by myself. Life is quiet recently. Peace is rare and I appreciate it. I know it'll turn worse at some point again, so gotta preempt a little bit. Work has been good. I got to work on some new stuff with old skill. But recently started to dive into stuff I'm less familiar with, and less comfortable. But it's something I've always wanted to learn. So exciting still. Got a new manager, who's giving me a lot of stress - probably the only source of stress I got from work. I'm definately changed from a year ago, so not sure who's to be blamed. But I tell myself to stay positive, focus on the important thing, the thing I care most, the thing that motivated me to change in the first place.