2024-08-04 from the editor of ~insom ------------------------------------------------------------ My dizzy spells come and go but for the last few weeks they've been almost every day. My doctor told me they are probably environmental and not related to my pre-existing tumor, but when every day comes with dizziness or an unexplained headache it's hard to not a) feel bitter and angry about it and b) think that I'm somehow dying of this. (I am not). Now I'm back to trying to figure out what might be triggering them -- why are they so much worse since the middle of Summer? Why did they not happen, at all, when I was in Ireland (both times)? If anything, that last one is great news: it's possible to be dizziness-free if I can look at the diff(1) between living in Ottawa and living in Dublin and figure out what change is the important one. (Some theories: that I am allergic to my dogs. That there is toxic mold or dust in my house. Or a gas leak. That it is a strong reaction to my wife vaping (which she does at home but not in a rented car or AirBnB). I've already ruled out salt/sugar/caffiene, I think. When I was away I was not using a computer for 6+ hours per day; is it like being concussed where you can't stand screens and reading for long periods? Could I be concussed and not realise it?).