from mastodon import Mastodon from urllib import parse import psycopg2 import markovify import re import os import html from datetime import datetime mastodon = Mastodon( client_id=os.environ['client_id'], client_secret=os.environ['client_secret'], access_token=os.environ['access_token'], api_base_url=os.environ['instance'], ratelimit_method='pace', ratelimit_pacefactor=1.1 ) parse.uses_netloc.append("postgres") url = parse.urlparse(os.environ["DATABASE_URL"]) dbconn = psycopg2.connect( database=url.path[1:], user=url.username, password=url.password, host=url.hostname, port=url.port ) cur = dbconn.cursor() # regex to take out html tags, urls and mentions def remove_tags(text): TAG_RE = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>') next_re = TAG_RE.sub('', text) last = re.sub(r"(?:\@|https?\://)\S+", "", next_re) if len(last) > 0: if last[0] == " ": last = last[1:] else: last = "" return last # runs only if it's the first time a user has tried to run the bot def first_time_setup(): who_am_i = mastodon.account_verify_credentials() who_i_follow = mastodon.account_following(who_am_i['id']) origin_userid = who_i_follow[0]['id'] cur.execute("create table config_data (id varchar(20), value varchar(20))") cur.execute("create table toots (text varchar(10000), timestamp timestamp)") cur.execute("insert into config_data (id, value) values (%s, %s)", ("userid", origin_userid)) cur.execute("insert into config_data (id, value) values (%s, %s)", ("setup", True)) dbconn.commit() toots_to_add = [] first_toots = mastodon.account_statuses(origin_userid) previous_request = first_toots[0]['_pagination_prev']['since_id'] for toot in first_toots: clean_toot = toot_cleaner(toot) if clean_toot != "": toots_to_add.append(clean_toot) new_toots = mastodon.fetch_next(first_toots) while new_toots is not None: for toot in new_toots: clean_toot = toot_cleaner(toot) if clean_toot != "": toots_to_add.append(clean_toot) new_toots = mastodon.fetch_next(new_toots) for toot_text in toots_to_add: cur.execute("insert into toots (text,timestamp) values (%s,%s)", (toot_text, cur.execute("insert into config_data (id, value) values (%s,%s)", ("previous_page", previous_request)) dbconn.commit() print("setup complete") mastodon.toot("hello world") # keep your toots clean and free of html tags def toot_cleaner(toot): if toot['spoiler_text'] == '' and toot['reblog'] is None and toot['visibility'] == 'public': return remove_tags(toot['content']) else: return "" # function that checks a user's timeline for new toots and saves them to the database def update_toots(userid): cur.execute("select value from config_data where id=%s", ("previous_page",)) previous_page = cur.fetchone() previous_dict = { 'since_id': previous_page[0], '_pagination_method': 'GET', '_pagination_endpoint': '/api/v1/accounts/' + userid + '/statuses' } new_toots = mastodon.fetch_previous(previous_dict) toots_to_add = [] while new_toots is not None: previous_request = new_toots[0]['_pagination_prev']['since_id'] for toot in new_toots: clean_toot = toot_cleaner(toot) if clean_toot != "": toots_to_add.append(clean_toot) new_toots = mastodon.fetch_previous(new_toots) cur.execute("select count() from toots") count = cur.fetchone() if count[0] > 9950: cur.execute( "delete from toots where timestamp < ," "(select timestamp from toots order by timestamp limit 1 offset %s)", (len(toots_to_add),) ) for toot_text in toots_to_add: cur.execute("insert into toots (text,timestamp) values (%s,%s)", (toot_text, cur.execute("update config_data set value = %s where id = %s", (previous_request, "previous_page")) dbconn.commit() # Function that actually generates the toot def markov_toot(): cur.execute('select text from toots') old_toots = cur.fetchall() text = "" for toot in old_toots: text += toot[0] + "\n" text_model = markovify.NewlineText(text) toot_to_send = text_model.make_sentence() print("tooting the following: " + toot_to_send) mastodon.toot(html.unescape(toot_to_send)) def regenerate_corpus(): cur.execute("truncate table toots") dbconn.commit() cur.execute("select value from config_data where id=%s", ("userid",)) userid = cur.fetchone() userid = userid[0] toots_to_add = [] first_toots = mastodon.account_statuses(userid) previous_request = first_toots[0]['_pagination_prev']['since_id'] for toot in first_toots: clean_toot = toot_cleaner(toot) if clean_toot != "": toots_to_add.append(clean_toot) new_toots = mastodon.fetch_next(first_toots) while new_toots is not None: for toot in new_toots: clean_toot = toot_cleaner(toot) if clean_toot != "": toots_to_add.append(clean_toot) new_toots = mastodon.fetch_next(new_toots) for toot_text in toots_to_add: cur.execute("insert into toots (text,timestamp) values (%s,%s)", (toot_text, cur.execute("update config_data set value = %s where id = %s", (previous_request, "previous_page")) dbconn.commit() print("corpus regenerated")