I'm not a very social person. I like to think that this past year I've been trying to talk to people more, and push myself out of my comfort zone because it is nice sometimes but it still ends up being stressful a lot of the time. There are few people I'm around that I feel completely comfortable around but I wish I felt like that around more people. I feel like I have a good amount of friends, but more than that I feel like I have friends who actually care about me. Sometimes I hear about drama that has happened with other people and their friends and am glad I've avoided that for the most part. I don't really like *doing things* with people. It's nice to have conversations and stuff but sometimes I feel too anxious about not saying enough or saying too much or acting too anxious or introverted or like I don't want to be there. It's a frustrating combination of not wanting to be asked to go do things with people but also feeling lonely and rejected when people don't want to do things with me. I guess the main thing I've realized is I don't know how people see me. Do they see me as a friend or just someone they run into and talk to often? I wish I knew.