I'm just about done with my into to compsci course! just gotta finish the final assignment and study for and book my exam, kinda nervewracking but exciting! Procrastinating hard on my other course tho, i might need to request a course extension. i really dont like writing essays lol, yet i dont mind informal writing like this, funny how that works. lately though, ive been doubting if i really want a degree in computer science considering the way the world is working now, but you never know, maybe and hopefully things will change in the future. and plus my parents were really pushing for me to go into school, i really hate feeling like im letting my family down, and i dont want to work minimum wage for the rest of my life. despite my allergies, ive been making more of an effort to go outside and connect with nature and stuff, so far this summer hasnt been to crazy hot and its been rainy lately, perfect weather! i found that my allergies arent as extreme as i remember it in previous years, maybe im getting over them?? i hope so. ive been helping my family a lot with yard work and cleaning up the little forest in the back yard, and ive been helping mom garden and trying to remember to take care of my plants im trying to grow!