I've been playing around with programming again. It's not something I do so much in my spare time anymore, since it's my job now and has been my job for long enough to lose its shine. But lately I've gotten a bee in my bonnet to learn some new things, to be able to make apps that go beyond simple command line utilities. Real UI stuff. It's not part of my job description and probably for good reason, but I like the idea of building more usable stuff. Of course I may be starting a little too ambitious with my toy projects, but I'm in the playing/prototyping stage, which is often the most fun. Just trying to build something that works! The kinks can be ironed out later. Hell, the design can be ironed out later. Software is an iterative process; if it wasn't meant to be changed, we'd just print a circuitboard and be done. I'm trying to learn Qt, which has kind of a steep learning curve for a person who hasn't built a ton of GUIs. Not that bad, but all the examples and tutorials seem to leave out something or other that I need to make it work. I'll figure it out, though. Eventually.