I bought a Palm IIIxe recently because I'm SUPER nostalgic for that model since my dad used to have it when I was a kid. I was really unsure whether or not I'd actually use it, but... This thing is so much better than I thought it would be. I keep finding new features that I didn't think it would have. For instance... This thing has: - Copy/Cut/Paste - Undo/Redo - Reminders for events - Dragging to rearrange notes - Can filter by completed/due todos - Categories for notes/todos - An awesome fun-to-use calendar with reminders - You write text using Palm's Graffiti system O_O and it's pretty damn great - Oh and did I mention that you can tap anywhere in your text to move your cursor, and even drag select, AND even double tap-to-drag to drag select whole words?? Wtf man. How old is this thing? It's so good. I'd much rather use this than my phone for ALL of these functions! Makes me want to try other old technology and software, because honestly they're just better to me. Like, an actual terminal would be awesome to use with one of those vintage mechanical keyboards. And these terminal-based applications are generally a lot more fun to use than GUI ones. Hellllssss yeah.