My first entry. A wet early autumn Saturday in mid-September. Not as miserable as it sounds...I learned to love the sound of rain during the dry summer, listening to thunderstorm recordings to help nod off. Off to collect a free PC case tomorrow. All part of the masterplan to build a slightly better FreeBSD cloud server for home. Hope it'll be an improvement over the ancient scrapstore Dell I've been using. I've read a lot of feels and gopher entries in the town over the last few days. I feel at home in this community. Reading a lot of philosophy at the moment, especially ancient stoicism. Some of it appeals but undiluted stoicism isn't quite what I'm searching for. Bits of epicurianism also call out to me, but hedonism (no matter how sparing the lifestyle) isn't quite right for me either. I suspect my life philosophy will remain somehting of a grandfather's axe, and will be a self-build. I agree with one writer's insistence on the need to maintain a philosophical journal, to build a 'virtual school' from the works of writers old and new, and to continually think and question. I hope I'm up to the task. Just finished reading 'Little Hands Clapping' by Dan Rhodes. It was a like eating a whole chocolate cake in secret, and being pleasantly surprised by the baked-in creepy crawlies. The descriptions and most of the characters feel like pastiches of mid-century European novels. Everything feels slightly old-fashioned. I won't spoil the horrible main plot by revealing it here.