I'm just getting set up on tilde.town, but the tools they've got in this little joint are pretty sweet. bbj is a fantastic bulletin board and things like feels make a big difference. I'm starting with a few humble things: [x] Mirror my gopher hole from SDF here [ ] Set up some basics on my webpage here, especially feels related [ ] Look into growing a plant (wow, that looks like hard work) I added a link to the feels output in my gopherhole and now it's accessible whether you find me on sdf or over here on tilde.town. I need to investigate how to properly make these things mirror. There's an item type for it in gopher, but I've never used it. Anyone have experience with that? I'm going to get this to generate on my webpage on tilde.town as well! It's taking a little help, but we'll get there. Some symlink magic and...